Piotr Marendowski

I'm an IT student learning various CS subjects, contributing to some open source projects, and creating my own. Right now I'm really interesed in GNU/Linux and Android software. I really like programming and would like to continue my career in this field. I also like to have things relatively simple, so that I can tinker and hack on them.

I also have my blog here.

My various pictures. Penultimate - me and other COs on a party celebrating the 10 billion dollar evaluation of our company eOne.

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E-mail: piotr-marendowski [at] tutanota.com

Featured projects

Maybe not a rocket science, but taught me a few things.


Arch based GNU/Linux distribution made as a learning project. One of my first big projects, which took me a few months of making. First was an install script made so that I can just install Arch Linux with my default settings, but grew into the whole OS. Read more about it in my blog post.

Simple Image Previewer

I made sip in order to learn C libraries Xlib and Imlib2. Thanks to it I learned how computer graphics, and GUI programs for Xorg work.


A fork of fff file manager, which adds a plethora of features. Right now I use it daily as my file manager. Shell script gave me a lot of headaches, but I'm more or less happy with the result.

My other projects are available on Github. Source for this site is also available there.